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Please pray for Mr. Khang

United States faced a terrorism last tuesday.
I knew Mr. Khangs family from church, and unfortunately he worked in the First World Trade Center that was hit by hijacked airplane.
He was believed to be in 102-106 floor when the plane struck, but as you all already know, the plane crashed around 80 floor.
Our church has been trying to contact him for a very long time, but we all believe he has gone to the arms of our Father. But it dosne't mean we have lost hopes.

Mr. Khang has a family, two young girls who are aged from 3-7, and a beautiful wife living in New Jersey. He was a good Christian and a person, we all knew him as a kind loving Christian, we never thought anything like this could happen to him.

I ask you to pray for Mr. Khang whenever you have time. It is obvious that as his kids age, they will start asking questions and when they do get an answer, they will most likely not understand. Please pray for his children as well. And his wife of course. she dosen't know how to deal with what has happened, and she needs God's healing powers to heal her woudns.

Again, United States has been severely wounded last couple of days. I pray for America, that God be with us.

please keep on praying.

Thank you,

United States will rise again, you will see

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