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Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito

Yield thou not to adversity but press on the more bravely.

Prayers and thoughts will forever be with our loved ones who suffered on September 11. Our prayers will also be shared for our fellow sisters and brothers around the world who have been emotionally affected by these incidents.

Love and strength within ourselves and from our fellow women and men will rebuild our world into a united front. Truly it is a test for everyone. A test to combat fear and to not allow our freedom and happines to be stolen. With our strength and with our determination to live on and to pursue life, liberty, and happiness we will become our nation's heroes. Just as those brave women and men volunteering and aiding our sisters and brothers have become our nation's guardian angels. Just as our daughters, sons, mothers, sisters, fathers, brothers, and relatives in the military forces have become our Hope.

The bad guys haven't won, they may have waken us up...but they haven't won.
Love, prayers, and peace.
Ria Leilani R. Baldevia


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