Some might have taken note, or wondered from whence they came, still they drift from spot to spot, and go un-noticed all the same..
This verse is not meant to show, how some can simply ignore, it is to point out the strangest covering, strewn across the earthen floor. For as we mourn each tragic loss, I wonder if we see, all the pages floating around, and how they came to be.. Countless hours and care, went into most everyone, and every page that now lays still was created by someone..
They may be simply clutter now, but to me they mark a place, since I will never know their author, or ever see their face.. For each crumpled paper, there may be a breaking heart, for each page that now is lost, was some persons creation at it's start..
For all those, that were spirited away in the wink of an eye.. We miss you, and will never forget you...
© JCS 2001